More fantastic images from Chris Foss!

Chis Foss' artwork has the ability to stagger you with it's abrupt feeling of authenticity. It's 'if a tree fell in a forest does it make a sound if no one was there' state. It's as if you interrupted delicate, highly planned alien procedures and took illicit photographs of the event! Notice the patterning, the subtle dirty colors and weighty parts and angles of his otherworldly machines. His work inspired many an artists to make the future look dirtier, heavier... USED. No doubt George Lucas was influence also by this powerful artist! This one (above) is very similar to the Imperial probe droid that landed on Hoth and revealed the Rebel Alliances base to Darth Vader! Don't know if it was made before or after 'The Empire Strikes Back'. Will have to check that out! In any case, great stuff!